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Creation and use of SUB areas/zones

The SUB area, in simple terms, is the area within an area (Survival) and the area on an island (Skyblock).

A SUB area is usually used to create public farms or shops, and without such an area, you will not be able to buy a farm or shop permit. The possibilities of using SUB area are practically endless. Some examples of what it can be used for:

  1. You want to share space with another player, but you are afraid that your items might be stolen. This is not a problem. You create a SUB area of the right size, add a friend to the friends list in that SUB area, set the permissions you want, and your friend can play peacefully in their own part of the area without having access to your own stuff.
  2. You want to allow a player to help you build a farm, but you're afraid that player will steal your stuff or knock down the beacon with the pyramid. This problem can be solved very easily. Your items and the beacon with the whole pyramid can be placed in the SUB area and (by selecting a settings) prevent that player from approaching your assets.

Requirements for the SUB area:

  1. It can only be done in an area or island that you own;
  2. It cannot be larger than the area or island (it cannot go out of bounds);
  3. The number of SUBs per area (Survival) can be no more than 5.
  4. Their number per island (Skyblock) can be no more than 3.

Creation of a SUB area on a Survival server

In Survival, to create a SUB area, you need to take a stick and mark the opposite corners of that area with it. This is similar to the normal creation of residence (/claim create) with a stick. In this case, the left mouse button is used to mark the bottom of one corner of the area and the right mouse button to mark the top of the opposite corner (the green and orange blocks in the picture). Once both corners are selected, the command /claim sub create <name> can be run. Once the SUB area has been created, you can type /claim show. This command allows you to see the boundaries of your area and the SUB area.

If the boundaries of the area are as you expected, you can go to the settings for this area. Once you are in that plot and /claim sub flags is open you can see all the possible settings. There are currently 35. All the possible settings are listed below.

If you want, you can add a player to your friends (/claim sub friends) or to your enemies (/claim sub enemies). More information about area friends and SUB area friends is given below.

Friends of residence and SUB area

Once you have added a player to the friends of a residence or SUB area, you can customise certain settings.

There are 3 levels of friends available: Guest, Member and Trusted.

When you create a SUB area, the default settings for all 3 levels are automatically set, but can be changed later.

When a friend is added, they are immediately assigned to the Guest level. Players at this level will only be able to use the permissions you have granted them as long as you are on the server. As long as you are not on the server, the normal settings (everything off) apply to this level.

The Member and Trusted level settings are still in effect when you log out.

Why do I need these levels?

The Guest level is for players that you don't trust very much and don't want to leave unattended in your area.

The other 2 levels are for distributing opportunities to your friends. Let's say you make one friend a Trusted and give them all permissions (he can do whatever he want), and you make another friend a Member and give them different permissions, such as only placing blocks and killing animals.

All possible SUB area commands

/claim sub list - list of SUB areas in that residence;

/claim sub create - create a SUB area in that residence;

/claim sub rename - rename that SUB area;

/claim sub remove - to remove a SUB area;

/claim sub flags - to change the settings of the SUB area;

/claim sub friends - to add, remove and change the settings of friends in the SUB area;

/claim sub enemies - to add, remove enemies to SUB area;

/claim sub sethome - change spawnpoint of the SUB area.

Creating a SUB area on a Skyblock server

In Skyblock server, to create a SUB area on your island, as in Survival, mark opposite corners of the area with 2 sticks in your hand. One corner at the bottom, the other (opposite) at the top. Then you write /is, click on Zones and click on Create new zone. You are asked to enter the name of this area (zone) in the chat window. Once you have typed it, press Enter and you have your area.

You can access the settings for each of your zones by typing /is, clicking on Zones and clicking on the Grass Block icon with the zone name you want.

To change the location of the zone, click on the arrow (Set location).

To rename your zone, click on the name card (Rename zone).

To change the zone settings, click on the lever (Settings). There are 25 settings in total.

To add an enemy to your zone, click on the skeleton skull (Enemies).

To add a friend to your zone, click on the player's head (Friends). As in Survival Server, added friends can be of 3 levels: Guest, Member and Trusted. And it is also possible to change the settings for each friend or each level of friends.

To remove a zone, click on the barrier (Delete zone).

All possible settings for the SUB area (valid for all players)

  1. Place blocks
  2. Demolish blocks
  3. Knock other players down
  4. Hopper action (Survival only)
  5. Movement in the area
  6. Teleportation to an area/island
  7. Use Ender Pearl
  8. Use Chorus Fruit
  9. Kill Animals
  10. Water movement (Survival only)
  11. Open chests etc.
  12. Pistons action (Survival only)
  13. Use of Kibir
  14. Changing the badge
  15. Use of buttons, etc.
  16. Dragging animals
  17. Item Frame Demolition
  18. Item Frame placement
  19. Using Item Frame
  20. Demolition of image
  21. Image placement
  22. Demolition of Armor Stand
  23. Placing Armor Stand
  24. Use of Armor Stand
  25. Selling Trident
  26. Changing cage type (Survival only)
  27. Adjust area settings (Survival only)
  28. Adjust area mates (Survival only)
  29. Adjust area enemies (Survival only)
  30. Adjust area sub-plots (Survival only)
  31. Adjust sub-plot settings (Survival only)
  32. Adjust sub-plot friends (Survival only)
  33. Adjust sub-plot enemies (Survival only)
  34. Ability to place boats
  35. Ability to add minecart
  36. Ability to fly (Skyblock only)

Be careful with these settings. Changing certain settings could allow other players to steal your items or destroy your area. If you don't know what settings are best for you, you can always contact the project administration via /support on the server or via Discord tickets.

By Scoutress
