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KAIMUX Network February updates!

KAIMUX Network February updates!

Thank you for continuing to play on our server! February was a slightly quieter month for updates, but that doesn't mean we've been sitting on our hands - on the contrary, we're working on something really big! We'll be able to share more information about what's coming soon, but we can promise you right now that this will be one of the biggest updates in our server's history.


  1. Added villagers who buy wood and stone.
  2. Fixed broken healing command for some services.


  1. Fixed a bug with voting prizes.


  1. Updated the Wikipedia article Personal Areas on the Survival server.
  2. Updated the Wikipedia article Creating and using SUB areas.
  3. Created the Wikipedia article Personal islands on Skyblock server.
  4. Created the Wikipedia article Hell on Skyblock.
  5. Added a new clause to the rules (which was previously used as an unwritten rule) - A player can receive a double-silencing if he writes a swear word or insult in separate letters or syllables, thus bypassing the penalty system.
  6. New clause added to the rules - Any destruction of a player's area or island without the written permission of the owner of that area or island may be punished as destruction or theft of the area. Regardless of the settings left (possibly by mistake).
  7. Fixed error in service descriptions.


  1. To prevent a player from posting messages, uploading photos and responding to messages in addition to being unable to post messages, after a player receives a custom Discord channel chat block.

In the meantime, although there weren't many updates this month, we have still made a number of important fixes and additions that will improve the game experience. Thank you to everyone who shares their comments and helps make the server even better! Don't forget to keep up to date with our news - big updates are just around the corner!

By ItsVaidas
