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 BoxPVP is coming to an end - next up is Prison!

The BoxPVP server is nearing its end.

Recently, all BoxPVP arenas were completed, which change every month. Every month you'll have a new arena to test your skills against other players, compete by gathering resources, and by eliminating as many players as possible. The BoxPVP season lasts for 2 months, and every 2 months the server resets, providing balanced cash prizes to the best players of that season and allowing you to compete against other players again, thus giving new players a chance to rise among the best.

The Prison server is next.

With the end of BoxPVP, work will begin on the Prison server. The server's economy will be revamped, level requirements will be adjusted, new features will be implemented, and existing ones will be addressed. We'll prepare the server to support other languages, allowing foreign players to experience real prison life. The latest update with bans already allows players to serve their sentence on the Prison server, and with the awaited updates, guards will be able to oversee prison discipline.

Upcoming updates:

  1. All signs will be removed from the server and replaced with holograms, allowing everything to be translated into other languages.
  2. Systems will be optimized for faster and better server performance.
  3. New roles like "Guard" will be added. Upon reaching the highest level, players will become guards and can oversee other players to ensure they abide by the server's rules. They'll also have access to guard-only areas within the prison.
  4. Freedom - After much consideration, we've decided to create "Freedom". Players who reach the highest level and become guards can leave the prison at any time and rent a plot of land outside the prison. There, they can build a house, grow food, or gather resources in other ways.

What's next after Prison:

As you already know, a significant part of the project is in maintenance. Currently, in Survival, SkyBlock, and Creative servers (and with this update, BoxPVP as well), emerging issues are being addressed to improve the player experience in the KAIMUX project. After implementing the described updates on the Prison server, it will also move into the maintenance stage - addressing issues. Following the Prison server, there are plans to revamp the Events server, allowing administrators to organize various types of events and automate the winning process further. Team games, duels, all previous event types, contests, building competitions, and much more. After updating the Events server, we expect to receive better feedback from participants and be better prepared for future events.

When will the project be advertised:

As you may have noticed, the server has not engaged in advertising over the past year. Over the past year, our goal has been to fix all systems, set up a translation system, and create a new website. Step by step, we are approaching the final goal, and it seems that we'll reach it by mid-summer. Once all servers in the project are fixed, advertising will be purchased across Europe, promoting the project throughout the continent. Unfortunately, we won't be advertising in Lithuania. Looking at the situation in Lithuania, the number of players is declining, and the major YouTubers are already occupied with other servers or have left YouTube altogether.

Server Updates Galore: April Recap

In the bustling world of online gaming, server updates are the lifeblood that keeps communities thriving and experiences fresh. Let's take a journey through the myriad of updates rolled out across various servers throughout April, ensuring smoother gameplay and enhanced user experiences.

SkyBlock Server:

  1. Teleportation Bow Returns: Adventurers rejoice as the teleportation bow makes a triumphant return to the SkyBlock server, facilitating seamless island hopping for players.
  2. Enhanced Security: Stricter measures are put in place within SkyBlock mines, ensuring that only players with the requisite permissions can venture into these depths, safeguarding against unauthorized access.
  3. Fine-Tuned Gameplay: Minor tweaks are made to enhance gameplay, such as the removal of the MCMMO salvage skill and rectifying small errors in the guessing game feature.
  4. Economy Expansion: The in-game economy sees an expansion with the addition of Pink Petals to the /shop, offering players more avenues for trade and customization.

Survival Server:

  1. Damage above nether: Survivors beware, as venturing above the upper nether bedrock now results in receiving damage, removing this exploit from the server
  2. Claim Protection: If a player wants to change their PVP setting, no other players can be in that claim, creating a safe experience in the server
  3. Mob Drop Overhaul: The mob drops system undergoes a revamp, providing more streamlined loot acquisition from stacked monsters, enriching the survival experience.
  4. Bug Fixes: The Survival realm sees various bug fixes, including rectifying errors in crate mechanics and the guessing game feature, ensuring smoother gameplay for all inhabitants.
  5. Combat Balancing: The Disarm skill within the McMMO Unarmed skill tree receives a 30% nerf, balancing combat dynamics and fostering a more competitive environment.

Prison Server:

  1. Judicial Overhaul: The BAN system undergoes a significant overhaul, redirecting banned players to the Prison realm where they can pay fines to lift their ban, introducing a new dimension to the punitive system.
  2. Command Upgrades: Various commands within the Prison realm are updated, enhancing administrative capabilities and improving overall server management.

KAIMUX Website Updates:

  1. Rule Refinements: The KAIMUX website undergoes a series of rule refinements, clarifying guidelines and streamlining community conduct for a more cohesive online environment.
  2. Streamlining Requirements: Requirements for advertising roles, particularly on platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch, undergo streamlining, ensuring fair exposure for all content creators.


April proved to be a month of innovation and refinement across the gaming landscape, with each server update bringing its own unique flavor to the table. From enhanced security measures to economy expansions, these updates are a testament to the commitment of server administrators towards providing an unparalleled gaming experience for their communities. As we look forward to the adventures that May will bring, one thing remains certain – the world of online gaming is ever-evolving, and these updates are just the tip of the iceberg.

Enhancing Server Integrity: Changes to Player Registration Process

Ensuring EULA Compliance

The primary driver behind this decision lies in our commitment to adhere to the guidelines set forth by Minecraft's End User License Agreement (EULA). As part of these guidelines, only players with a legal copy of Minecraft are permitted to access our server. While this has been the case, the registration process has posed challenges in verifying the authenticity of player accounts.

Streamlining Registration Protocols

Currently, players with legitimate Minecraft accounts can seamlessly join our server without the need for registration. However, those without a legal copy of the game are required to register via our server. This dichotomy in registration processes has led to inconsistencies in enforcing EULA compliance.

Implementing Proactive Measures

With the new changes, we are taking proactive steps to rectify this issue. Players without a legal Minecraft account will no longer be able to register directly on our server. Instead, they will be guided to register via our Discord server, where an administrator will oversee the process. While this approach may not fully align with the EULA, it marks a significant stride towards bolstering our compliance efforts.

Embracing Necessary Sacrifices

Undoubtedly, the decision to complicate the registration process may result in the loss of some players. However, we view this as a necessary sacrifice in our pursuit of maintaining a fair and lawful gaming environment. By tightening registration protocols, we aim to cultivate a community comprised solely of legitimate Minecraft players.

Promoting Compliance and Integrity

Furthermore, as part of our commitment to promoting adherence to the EULA, we will be providing Minecraft accounts to players who do not possess a legal copy of the game but wish to participate in our server. Through this initiative, we aim to encourage compliance while fostering a gaming community rooted in integrity and legality. Our ultimate goal is to create an environment where players from our project's primary origin country consist exclusively of legal Minecraft users.

In conclusion, these changes represent a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to uphold Minecraft's EULA and maintain the integrity of our server environment. While the transition may pose challenges, we are confident that it will ultimately contribute to a more fair, lawful, and enjoyable gaming experience for all participants.

This update will take effect in 2024-05-01

TLauncher: Why You Should Think Twice Before Using It!

TLauncher, the most popular Minecraft launcher

Most of you know TLauncher and often use it to access our project. For many years now, other projects like mcslime, craftmc, mcbegedis, and others have been offering you to download Minecraft from the official TLauncher website. Like you, I myself have long used this Minecraft launcher because of its convenience and simplicity. And today we recommend not using it, avoiding it, and deleting it as soon as possible.

Anticheat incompatibility

If you use the unmodified version of Minecraft from TLauncher or one of the versions they offer (Fabric, Optifine, Forge), TLauncher has altered player movement in subtle but noticeable ways in several versions, causing AntiCheat to often flag you as cheating players. Many AntiCheat developers do not recommend using TLauncher precisely for this reason - you will be incorrectly identified as a user of gaming aids and may be blocked.

The same problem exists with other Minecraft launchers like Lunar Client. There are major Minecraft projects that strictly prohibit playing with such modified Minecraft versions as we have done for several years. Although at this moment we allow playing with such modified versions, we do not recommend it and you may receive a deserved ban for using such versions.

TLauncher history

The TLauncher Minecraft launcher is not the original TLauncher - it is a stolen name from the original creator. The original TLauncher author did not have copyright to this name, so a Russian company decided to appropriate it. Since at that time TLauncher was one of the most popular Minecraft launchers allowing players to play with pirated Minecraft accounts, by taking the name it quickly became popular.

Then the bad practices of TLauncher began - they integrated servers into your server list, installed viruses on your computer, and at one point had a bot network (Bot Net) with all computers that had TLauncher installed.

If you want to find out more information, we recommend watching these videos:

  1. Uninstall This Minecraft Client Right NOW.
  2. I Exposed This SHADY Minecraft Client, And They Responded…

What do we recommend instead of TLauncher?

Since the KAIMUX server aims to comply with all EULA requirements, we cannot recommend third-party Minecraft launchers that allow players to play without buying a Minecraft account. Nevertheless, what we can say is that the original author of TLauncher renamed his Minecraft launcher to LegacyLauncher. Currently I use SkLauncher, which is simple, clean and virus/spyware free. We also recommend other server owners to stop promoting this Minecraft launcher and redirect their players to the official TLauncher developers - LegacyLauncher.

Banned players will be sent to Prison! Unban service removed!

Have you been blocked for breaking the rules?

From now on, you have the opportunity to unblock yourself in the KAIMUX project without spending a penny!

In recent days, a system has been implemented that allows you to pay a fine while playing on the prison server, thus getting out of prison faster than the specified blocking period.

When blocked, you can only access the prison and events (during events) servers.

How can you unblock yourself?

You can unblock yourself on the prison server by typing the command /payfine. When you type this command, you will be told the amount you need to pay. Currently, the price depends on the blocking period: 1 day - 10,000 euros.

What will happen if I break the rules on the prison server?

If you break the rules on the prison server, you will be placed in solitary confinement, where you must stay for the entire allotted time (2 hours) on the server. Disconnecting from the server will not count towards your time. You will not be able to chat with other players or perform tasks, thus delaying your release time.

Does this mean I can cheat without any consequences?

If a player is repeatedly found violating the rules and has accumulated a substantial amount of money on the prison server, the strictest punishment will be imposed - a ban from entering the project without time restrictions. You will no longer be able to access the project in any way or unblock yourself.

Will the unblocking service return?

No, this service will not return. The unblocking service violates the Minecraft EULA terms, and efforts are being made to ensure that the project complies with all its requirements. Accordingly, other changes will be made to ensure compliance with these requirements, which the KAIMUX project currently does not meet.


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