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KAIMUX January updates are here!

Hello, KAIMUX community members!

We are excited to present this month's server updates, which aim to enhance your gaming experience and ensure smooth gameplay. In this January update, you'll find improvements spanning several areas of the server—from new additions in SkyBlock to tweaks in our website and server-wide adjustments.


(No updates)


  1. Wolf and armadillo eggs have been added to the credit store.


  1. Fixed an error that displayed the incorrect time until the season's end.
  2. January duel arenas are now fully prepared for use.
  3. Fixed an error where placing flint on arena ice turned it into water.


(No updates)


(No updates)


(No updates)

All Servers:

  1. Modified trading so that players cannot pick up items dropped on the ground.
  2. A new question has been added to the guessing game.
  3. Updated the server language selection window.


  1. Added a rule: using the server help channel is prohibited when help is not needed.
  2. Fixed an error in the service descriptions.
  3. Corrected link errors in the Wikipedia article "Mėnulis."
  4. Created a Wikipedia article "Translations."
  5. Created a Wikipedia article "Skyblock Server Bots."
  6. Created a Wikipedia article "About the Skyblock Server."


(No updates)

This month, there weren’t many updates—a great sign that our server is becoming more stable with fewer bugs to fix. We’re now focusing on minor enhancements to ensure you enjoy an even smoother gaming experience.

Thank you for your continuous support and for being an essential part of the KAIMUX community!

Stay connected via our Discord channel, share your feedback, and together let’s continue to build a better gaming world. See you in the game!

KAIMUX december updates!

In this comprehensive patch, we've introduced exciting new mini-games, enhanced rewards for jobs, and expanded server store offerings. We’ve also addressed numerous bugs to improve gameplay quality and optimize server performance across all game modes. From enriching Survival and SkyBlock experiences to refining features in Prison, BoxPVP, and the Lobby, this update ensures a smoother, more rewarding experience for every player. Dive into the detailed improvements below and explore what’s new across the KAIMUX network!


  1. The system for dropping objects thrown by animals and other creatures has been updated.
  2. Added cherry logs to the list of jobs paid by the Woodcutter.
  3. Fixed a bug that caused items to disappear when using the Super Anvil and prevented you from casting enchantments.
  4. Fixed a bug where all players logged in to the server would see a mini-game time that was not their own.
  5. Fixed a bug with progressive custom enchantments that would cause the countdown to restart after reaching the maximum level.
  6. Fixed map bugs in Clan Wars.
  7. Added a feature that automatically removes crawlers and boats left in mini-games.
  8. Created a spring season mini-game.
  9. Created a summer season mini-game.
  10. Created a /spring-minigame command to describe the spring season mini-game.
  11. Team /summer-minigame created, describing the summer season mini-game.
  12. Added the ability to buy mini-game items alongside the games themselves.
  13. Changed the jobs completed (/jobs quests) posts.
  14. Increased the rewards for the Elixir Man, Builder, Digger, Explorer, Farmer, Fisherman, Miner and Woodcutter quests by 10-20 times.
  15. Fixed a bug that prevented the autosell-chest from selling items.
  16. Fixed advent calendar bug.
  17. Disabled the McMMO feature which could cause the loss of enchantments when repairing items.
  18. Replaced WARPED_WART_BLOCK block in server store with WARPED_HYPHAE.
  20. Fixed bug when closing the GUI for clan guard monsters
  21. Fixed bug when undoing zone renaming
  22. Optimized actions with creatures
  23. Optimised marketplace functionality


  1. Server complexity changed to NORMAL.
  2. Added cherry logs to the list of paid jobs for the Woodcutter.
  3. Changed the messages for completed jobs (/jobs quests).
  4. Increased the Medkirt's job (/jobs) reward by about 10 times.
  5. Increased the pay of the Digger job (/jobs) by about 20 times.
  6. Fixed a bug where it was not possible to build/demolish near borders.
  7. Added /is visit <name> command to allow you to teleport to any public island.
  8. Added the ability/permission for a Trusted Friend of an island to run missions on that island.
  9. Fixed a bug that prevented autosell-chest items from working.
  10. Fixed a bug with the credit shop.
  11. Disabled the McMMO feature which could cause the loss of enchantments when repairing items.
  12. Optimised marketplace functionality


  1. Reworked the villager emergence system


  1. Fixed chat window bug.
  2. Added functionality to remove unnecessary balls (slime) from the basketball court.
  3. Added ignoring AFK players when going to bed at night.


  1. Player's selected button has been changed to HUB selection when logged in.

All Servers:

  1. The guessing game now displays questions/keys based on the language selected. Questions and queries are available in the selected language of your choice, either English or English.
  2. Automatic messages have been updated.
  3. Fixed a bug in the messages.
  4. New permissions for Organisers.
  5. Updated one of the links on the voting pages.
  6. Removed the option to rename lottery keys.
  7. Fixed a bug in the guessing game.
  8. Fixed emails sent via the /mail system.
  9. New Custom Prefix service created.
  10. Redesigned TAB and overhead nicknames system
  11. Reworked hologram system


  1. Wikipedia page added.
  2. Added the ability to enter the page number of a listing on the translations page.
  3. Updated Creative Server service descriptions.
  4. Updated Wikipedia article Non-standard spells.
  5. Updated Wikipedia article Punishments.
  6. Updated the Wikipedia article Space on the Survival server.
  7. Updated Wikipedia article The role of the content creator.
  8. Created the Wikipedia article Player particles.
  9. Created the Wikipedia article Survival PvP.
  10. Created the Wikipedia article Personal areas in Survival.


  1. Fixed a bug where account linking codes did not match.
  2. Fixed bot message.

Thank you for being a vital part of the KAIMUX community! These updates reflect our ongoing commitment to enhancing your gaming experience with innovative features and timely fixes. As always, we encourage feedback to help shape future developments. Stay connected through Discord, explore our updated Wikipedia articles for in-depth guides, and join us in celebrating these advancements. Together, we build a better world of gaming. See you in the game!

November Updates for the KAIMUX Project

The KAIMUX team is pleased to announce the November updates, which not only enrich the gaming experience, but also make the game smoother and more enjoyable for everyone in our community. This month's focus is on improving the functionality of both individual servers and the platform as a whole. New games, improved tools, bug fixes and seasonal entertainment are all waiting for you in the world of KAIMUX!


  1. 50% reduction in income from the Farmer's work harvesting cocoa beans.
  2. Approximately 5 times the income from the Miner job.
  3. Added the autumn season game in Spawn World.
  4. Added the winter season game in Spawn World.
  5. Created in-game shop /minishop.
  6. Created teleportation to the game /warp → Game.
  7. Created team /autumn-minigame to describe the autumn season game.
  8. Created a team /winter-minigame describing the winter season game.
  9. Fixed a bug in the level up messages.
  10. Added a note to parkour items from the shop saying that the item can only be purchased once.
  11. Added an area setting to allow/not allow killing villagers.
  12. Added advent calendar /advent.


  1. Added bamboos to Farmer's job (/jobs).
  2. Fixed a bug that would cause the admin to generate a stone chipping block when in observation mode and teleporting to a player who is off the ground.
  3. Fixed a bug where it was not possible to teleport to the public area of a player's island by clicking on the public island list icon in the /island window.
  4. Added island and zone settings: exchange with villagers, use of boat, use of crawler.
  5. Reduced by 50% the income from the Farmer's work on the cocoa bean harvest.
  6. Elytra added to the credit shop and parkour shop (one week).
  7. Fixed a bug that prevented the colour coding of the tables with the required service.
  8. Added island settings for Demolish boats, Use boats, Demolish carts, Use carts, Use villagers.
  9. Added a note to parkour items from the shop saying that the item can only be purchased once.
  10. Added an island setting to allow/not allow killing villagers.
  11. Added Diorite, Granite, Andesite, Tuff and Black Stone to the list of blocks generated by the Miner's robot. Also, the ability to sell these blocks in the server shop has been added.
  12. Fixed a bug that caused the auction to not work.
  13. Added Advent calendar /advent.


  1. Fixed that the time played when a player is away from the computer (AFK) no longer counts.
  2. Removed recipes for making the redstone torch and dispenser.
  3. Added Advent calendar /advent.


  1. Updated mineral generation in L and Q mines.
  2. Replaced torches in mines.
  3. Added Advent calendar /advent.


  1. Fixed a bug that prevented certain World Edit options from working.

All servers:

  1. Updated the reason for silencing: disrespect to administration → Disrespect to administration or project.
  2. Reworked the help channel and private administration chat system.
  3. Added the ability to see a private message in the original language as well as in the translated language.
  4. Updated the system that saves the contents of a player's inventory upon death.
  5. Updated messages for all lottery keys.
  6. Updated messages for all packages.
  7. Created invitation system and /incentive command.
  8. Fixed a bug that prevented the administrator from exiting the private help chat when a player logged out.


  1. Updated tutorial Content Creator role in Kaimux.
  2. Updated tutorial Opinions and problems.
  3. Added a choice in the New Ideas and Issues creation window which server you want to be rewarded on.
  4. Created a tutorial on Player Organised Events.
  5. Created a tutorial for the Creative server.
  6. Created a system that automatically transfers a reward to the player's chosen server when an idea is implemented or a bug is fixed.
  7. Created a page with conditions that every candidate for administration must accept.
  8. More than 80% of the questions in the administration candidate questionnaire have been updated.
  9. Fixed a broken contact button.


  1. Created a command that, when activated, displays information about a change in the Survival server's pvp mode.
  2. Created player block/unblock commands to prevent players from posting to shared chat channels and creating tickets for a certain period of time. This is an alternative to the usual Discord user blocking.
  3. All Discord members have been unblocked and their blocking has been moved to the new system.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to the KAIMUX project, sharing ideas and comments. Your involvement is our main driving force. We will continue to work on making our servers reliable and innovative. Stay tuned for news, participate in events and enjoy updates with the whole KAIMUX community!

KAIMUX October Update Summary: Enhancements, Innovations, and Stability Improvements

The October updates have brought many new features, improvements, and bug fixes to the various servers and their functionality. This month, we've been working to optimize server stability, give players more control over their worlds, and improve their experience. The details of the updates, including new customizations, bug fixes, and rule changes, demonstrate our commitment to providing a quality and enjoyable gaming environment.


  1. Updated PVP arena settings messages.
  2. Fixed a bug that allowed any member of an opposing clan to take items from the main chest in the clan's city tower, regardless of the current security.
  3. Fixed a bug that prevented area marking with sticks from working.
  4. Fixed area creation messages.
  5. Very strongly optimized item disappearance, improving project stability by a factor of 4.
  6. Allowed players to enable their pvp if the service required to change the pvp mode has expired while the player has pvp disabled.
  7. Removed the ability to buy (still can sell) Beacon, Elytra, Shulker Box, Soul Sand, End Stone, Obsidian, Soul Soil, Warped Hyphae, Warped Nylium, Warped Stem, Sea Lantern, Crying Obsidian from the shop, Diamond, Iron Ingot, Gold Ingot, Copper Ingot, Coal, Lapis Lazuli, Emerald, Melon Slice, Carrot, Cooked Beef, Cooked Chicken, Cooked Porkchop, Bread, Cooked Mutton, Pumpkin, Melon, Potato, Pumpkin Pie, Cooked Rabbit, Cooked Cod, Cooked Salmon, Tropical Fish, Pufferfish, Wheat Seeds, Cocoa Beans, Beetroot Seeds, Wheat, Honey Bottle, Honeycomb, Oak Sapling, Spruce Sapling, Birch Sapling, Jungle Sapling, Acacia Sapling, Dark Oak Sapling, Cactus, Sugar Cane, Bamboo, End Crystal, String, Feather, Gunpowder, Bone, Spider Eye, Dispencer, Rail, Powered Rail, Detector Rail, Activator Rail, Piston, Sticky Piston, Repeater, Comparator, Dropper and Observer.
  8. Fixed incorrect teleportation protection time bug.
  9. Fixed a bug that prevented tables with the correct service from being colored.
  10. Added Space and Lunar worlds.
  11. Created custom drops that are dropped when mining valuable fossils in Space or on the Moon.
  12. New enchantments have been created.
  13. Minimal updates to level-up quests.
  14. Removed the ability for players to cast the Mending enchantment for credits.


  1. Added Chorus flower to the shop.
  2. If a player is offline for more than a week, their island automatically changes from public to private.
  3. Added the ability to change your island to private or public at the click of a button.
  4. Added the ability to change island and zone icons.
  5. Added more types of island quests: distance traveled on a boat, distance traveled, distance traveled on a pig, distance traveled on a horse, and distance traveled on an elytra.
  6. The personal world of Hell is restored.
  7. Minimal updates to level-up quests.
  8. Fixed a bug that prevented players from purchasing enchanted gear from the Parkour shop.
  9. Added Mace weapon components to the VIP shop.


  1. Fixed a bug that prevented writing on signs on Clan Island.
  2. Fixed a bug that caused clan islands to be generated incorrectly.
  3. Added higher Instant Damage arrows to the Villager Exchange.
  4. Removed grass in arena PVP zones.
  5. Removed command blocks from arena walls and replaced them with blocks of the corresponding colors.
  6. Removed recipes: lever, stone button, oak button, oak pressure plate, stone pressure plate, lightweight pressure plate, heavyweight pressure plate.
  7. Added confirmation window for transferring a clan to another member.
  8. Fixed a bug where the service balance currency is listed as Zetas.


  1. Fixed a bug that prevented the use of doors.
  2. Fixed a bug where an incorrect amount of unwashed plates were being taken into inventory.
  3. Fixed a bug where a player dying in a hospital workstation would incorrectly identify the player's (patient's) location.
  4. Removed cell blocks (heads) in prison.
  5. Visually updated food. "Heads" have been changed to Pierogies.
  6. Visually updated medication. "Heads" changed to Red Mushrooms.
  7. For each job done (cooking, washing a plate, etc.) players will see how much they have earned in the chat window.
  8. Fixed a bug where players could take food from the canteen and medicine from the hospital, put it in their ender chest, and take it out.


  1. Fixed broken server selection button.

All servers:

  1. Fixed a bug that caused the VoteParty system not to work.
  2. Updated automated messages.
  3. Changed the game currency from euros (€) to zetas (ζ).
  4. Tightened the silencing penalty. From now on, your timeout will no longer decrease when you are away from the computer (AFK).
  5. Fixed a bug where prices for services were displayed as zetas.


  1. The visibility of closed (hidden) lessons has been changed.
  2. Added list of Prohibited Modifications under Rules.
  3. Fixed a bug in the page header.
  4. Rule changes:
  5. Prohibited swearing, insulting, or disrespectful communication with other project players and administration to Prohibited swearing, insulting or disrespectful communication with other players or administration.
  6. It is forbidden to post the same thing to It is forbidden to post the same message multiple times.
  7. It is forbidden to use server or Minecraft bugs to It is forbidden to use server or Minecraft game bugs.
  8. It is forbidden to sell items/services for real money to It is forbidden to sell items/services for real money.
  9. It is forbidden to advertise other projects and to advertise the Kaimux project on other projects to It is forbidden to advertise other projects or to advertise this project on other servers.
  10. It is forbidden to unnecessarily build/demolish blocks in front of or on a player's area to It is forbidden to unnecessarily build or demolish blocks in front of or on other players' areas.
  11. It is forbidden to use the server currency to buy services/items from another project to It is forbidden to use the server currency to buy items or services from other projects.
  12. It is forbidden to set the left mouse button to any other to It is forbidden to assign the functionality of the left mouse button to any other mouse or keyboard button.
  13. Prohibited from running a casino to Prohibited from organizing casino activities.
  14. Prohibited to have more than 1 account per player and to share accounts with others to Prohibited to have more than 1 account per player or to share accounts with others.
  15. It is forbidden to tag owners on the Discord server to It is forbidden to tag owners on the Discord server unnecessarily.
  16. It is forbidden to lie about the date of the next WIPE to It is forbidden to lie about the date of the next server cleanup.
  17. Prohibited to use macro commands or automatic button presses to Prohibited to use macro commands or automatic button presses.
  18. It is forbidden to interfere with, ask for help from the owner or operator to It is forbidden to interfere with or ask for help from the owner or operator of the project without a good reason.
  19. It is forbidden to demand from the administration the return of stolen items. We are not obliged to return them to It is forbidden to ask the administration to return stolen items - we are not obliged to do so.
  20. Prohibited `teaming` via /events to Prohibited team play during the event when not allowed by the event rules.
  21. It is forbidden to repeatedly write a player's nickname in the clan chat window to It is forbidden to repeatedly write the same player's nickname in the clan chat window.
  22. It is strictly forbidden to share any personal information of yourself and other players in the project to It is strictly forbidden to share personal information of yourself or other players.
  23. It is forbidden to encourage another person to commit suicide to It is forbidden to encourage other players to commit suicide.
  24. Updates of additional information:
  25. The administration is not obliged to provide evidence as to why the player was penalized to The administration is not obliged to provide evidence as to why the player was penalized.
  26. The administration does not monitor the fights/battles organized by the players on request to The administration does not monitor the fights/battles organized by the players on request.
  27. Knowing about a project error and not reporting it properly can be seen as using the error for your own benefit and/or harming the project to Knowing about a project error and not reporting it can be seen as using the error for your own benefit and/or harming the project.
  28. If an administrator observes a player using unauthorized tools (unauthorized Minecraft clients, external tools or modifications), the administrator has the right to confiscate the player's items to If an administrator observes a player using unauthorized tools (unauthorized Minecraft clients, external tools or modifications), the administrator has the right to confiscate the player's items.
  29. The administrator has the right to refuse to provide any assistance due to a player's rude behavior to The administrator has the right to refuse to assist due to a player's rude behavior.
  30. The administration may change the rules and conditions at any time without prior notice (it is recommended to read the rules regularly) to The administration may change the rules and conditions at any time without prior notice (it is recommended to read the rules regularly).
  31. One question has been updated from the questionnaire for candidates for the administration.
  32. Updated the tutorial - Player penalties in the Kaimux project.
  33. Updated the conditions for administration candidates.
  34. Created a tutorial on the Space Survival server.
  35. Created a tutorial on the Moon Survival server.
  36. Created a tutorial on Non-standard enchantments.
  37. Created a tutorial on How to become a Kaimux project administrator.
  38. Created tutorial Opinions and problems.


  1. Created a command to check your Discord ID - /my-id.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the development and testing of the updates. Your feedback and participation is an important part of the development process. We invite you to continue to participate in the life of KAIMUX, to share your ideas, and to improve the project together!

KAIMUX September Updates: Enhancements, Fixes, and New Features

This September, the KAIMUX Minecraft project saw numerous updates across various game modes, enhancing gameplay experience and fixing persistent bugs. Key changes affected Survival, SkyBlock, BoxPVP, Prison, and the broader server structure. These updates aim to improve balance, address gameplay issues, and introduce new features that make the server more enjoyable for both casual and competitive players. Highlights include new commands, bug fixes in PvP arenas, enhanced item management, and more refined in-game economies.



  1. Fixed a bug that prevented 1v1 and 2v2 Spawn arenas from working.
  2. Added the /tools command to show what gear is available in the credit shop and server shop.
  3. Fixed a bug in one of the raffle chests where the prize name/description was incorrect.
  4. Fixed a bug where one of the pvp arenas had a location where pvp was not working.
  5. Updated the /shop.
  6. Reduced the drops of the most popular farms by a factor of 3, but increased the purchase price of those drops by a factor of 3.
  7. Fixed a bug that caused the winning clan to be incorrectly determined during clan wars.


  1. Fixed a bug where teleporting to a clan island would cause the player to fall into a chasm.
  2. Added the ability to enable/disable the permission to build End Crystals to the island settings.
  3. Fixed a bug that caused the island level to be displayed incorrectly in the island management window.
  4. Added a confirmation window for transferring a clan to another member.
  5. Added a message about money deducted when repairing items with a command.
  6. Added message about insufficient money balance to repair items with a team.
  7. Reduced farm drops by 3 times, but increased the purchase price of those drops by 3 times.


  1. Added a speed elixir to the potion pack.
  2. Fixed a bug that caused players to be teleported out of the arena when the Lazurite Mine regenerated.
  3. Fixed a bug that prevented pvp from working during clan wars.
  4. Fixed that when a player is in pvp mode, not only the teleport commands will not work, but also the menu window (GUI) buttons.
  5. Fixed a bug that prevented a player from changing the location of items in the inventory while in pvp mode.
  6. Enabled Manager level administration to check items on player's clan islands.
  7. Created a villager that sells potions.


  1. Updated the fishing area.
  2. Visual update of the mine.
  3. Fixed a bug where guards would not respawn.
  4. Fixed a bug where if a player was blocked by the administration, they were no longer allowed to connect to other servers, but could still do whatever they wanted on Prison. Now, as with AntiCheat, if a player is blocked by an administrator, they go to solitary confinement for 2 hours.


  1. Fixed TAB bug.
  2. Added inventory button (Nether star) to open the server selection window.

All servers:

  1. Fixed bots bug.
  2. Fixed a bug that prevented players with the service from writing in colour on signs.
  3. Fixed a bug where using the item repair feature would display the wrong command to confirm the action.
  4. Changed VoteParty messages.


  1. Reduced requirements for TikTok roles in video production from 10 000 / 15 000 / 20 000 to 750 / 2 000 / 5 000 average views.
  2. Reduced requirements for YouTube roles in video production: 1 000 / 2 500 / 5 000 changed to 250 / 500 / 1 000 average views.
  3. Fixed a minor bug in the creation of new news reports.
  4. Updated additional rules information:
  5. The administration is not obligated to conduct computer checks on players. to The administration can screenshare to the player's computer in case of suspicion or punish the player immediately.
  6. The administration is not obligated to monitor players' organized battles/fights. to The administration does not monitor the fights/battles organized by the players on request.
  7. New additional information added:
  8. Knowing about a project bug and not reporting it properly can be seen as using the bug to your advantage and/or to the detriment of the project.
  9. People who live together can only play together with the approval of the administration.
  10. Updated tutorial Player penalties in the Kaimux project.
  11. Added a message about a successful nickname change.
  12. Administration permissions have been updated.
  13. Added tutorial The fastest ways to make money on Kaimux servers.


  1. Enabled organizers to delete posts in the photo channel.
  2. Fixed to not show colour codes when using bot commands.
  3. Fixed a bug where it was not possible to remove a player from a ticket.

As the KAIMUX project continues to evolve, the team remains committed to providing regular improvements and addressing community feedback. These September updates are part of a broader effort to maintain server stability while introducing innovative features. Be sure to explore the new additions, test out the latest fixes, and provide feedback to ensure the best possible experience for everyone. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the coming months!


Recent activity


Na nežinau. Šiaip įprastas būdas gauti įvairias iškasenas yra iš serverio kasyklų (yra ten surašyta kiek ko galima rast). O jau jeigu nori nebevargti rankom, tai tenka pasitaupyt ant roboto ir leist jam dirbt savo darbą


Nes kai Esi neperseniai pradėjas ir tu nieko neturi saloje yra labai sunku gauti paprastas iškasenas iš savo salos generatoriaus tai galvojau kad gal būtų galima padaryti kaip ir jų tobuliną kad padidint šanšą gauti pvz anglies iškasenas,nes vistiek tu savo saloje turi iškasti kartais iškasena bet yra sunku jas gauti jeigu tu neturi silk touch iron kirtiklio


Aš turioje omenyje kai pats mainini iš cobblestone generatoriaus kol neturi priviligejų ir miner robotuko bet ir iš dalies suprantu kodėl šitaiop jūs padare cobblestone generatorius ir kasyklas su mažais šanšais rasti iškasenų nes ir pačiam serveriui reikia aukų kad išsilaikytų


Jau ir dabar miner robotas duoda geresnes iškasenas keliantis salos lygį bei turint serverio paslaugas