KAIMUX Wikipedia
Survival PvP
To fight other players, you can do it in two ways.
The first is to meet a player in Overworld and fight. This method is simple, but in many cases you can be deceived by your opponent. For example, you agree that you will fight to the death and not run anywhere. However, the player still runs to his residence or somewhere else. Another case is that you agree to go 1v1, and your opponent calls a friend and kills you together with him. Neither you enjoy fighting like this, nor do your opponents like to be punished. For these reasons, we recommend using the second option.
The second option is to fight in Spawn arenas. In Spawn worlds of each season, you can go to PvP arenas (or use /warp -> PvP arenas). When you arrive, you will find a main arena, three 1v1 arenas, and two 2v2 arenas.
Main arena
An unlimited number of players can come to it. Anyone can fight at any time. Clans often fight against each other here (this can be an alternative to Clan Wars), larger groups of players, or just those who don't like going to few-player arenas with settings.
1v1 arenas
To enter such an arena, you need to stand on the golden pressure plates for both players. The one who selects the settings stands in the first place (about them below). The opponent stands in the second place.
After climbing up, both players are teleported to the arena and can choose the settings.
After the first player has selected the settings, he presses the green block at the bottom of the window, on which it says "Confirm". Then the second player must confirm or reject those settings.
If he wants to confirm, he presses the same green button in his own window. And if the settings are not good, he presses Esc, and both players are teleported out of the arena.
After confirming the settings, both players can start fighting each other.
You can leave the arena only when you are not in pvp mode, by typing /leave.
If you kill an opponent or if an opponent leaves the arena, you will be teleported out of the arena after 20 seconds.
A dead player is teleported to Spawn.
2v2 arenas
In this case, members of one team need to stand on the first and second pressure plates and members of the other team - on the third and fourth. As with 1v1 arenas, the first player sets the permissions (more on them below), and the other three must confirm them. After confirming the permissions, all four players are teleported to the corners of the arena behind the glass and can fight each other.
You can leave the arena by typing /leave when PvP mode is not active. The winning team is teleported out of the arena after 20 seconds, when both members of the opposing team die or leave.
Main arena
Here can play an unlimited number of players without any settings.
Size of the arena 44x34.