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About Skyblock server

Skyblock is a survival-type server where you have limited resources and you have to survive and progress with them.

What to do when you log in?

When you log in to our Skyblock server, you appear in one of 4 Spawn arenas, which vary depending on the time of year (winter, spring, summer, or autumn). After walking around this island, you can find a food farm, lottery chests, achievements of the best players on the server, and information about robots.

Skyblock menu

When you type the command /island or its abbreviation /is, a window with various buttons opens. What does each of them mean?

  1. An icon with the name of your island (if you have more islands, you will see more icons).
  2. “Create new island” – depending on the service you have, you can create one or more islands.
  3. “Shop” - /shop.
  4. “Auction” - /ah.
  5. “Market” - teleports to marketplaces.
  6. “Player stores” - /shops.
  7. "Player XP Farms" - /farms.
  8. "Friends' Islands" - all islands that you have been added as a friend to.
  9. "Public Islands" - all islands that are set as public and can be teleported to by anyone.
  10. "Spawn in spawn" - /spawn.
  11. "Mines" - teleports to the Skyblock mines.
  12. "PvP arenas" - teleports to the Skyblock PvP arenas.
  13. "Services" - /services.
  14. "Private Island Chat" - when enabled, typing in the chat window will only communicate with players on that island.


Currently, the only ways you can progress are to level up on the island and become the best on the top player boards.

When you create a personal island, you get a small plot of land, a tree, and a chest with a few items (melon, pumpkin, wheat seeds, sugarcane, cactus, ice block, and lava bucket).

You can expand your island up to 51x51, having an initial level (0). Later, when you level up, your limits on how much you can expand increase by one block in all 4 directions.

There are currently 200 levels on the server in total. Each of them has its missions, which you can see by typing /island and clicking on "Tasks".

With each level, these missions become more difficult, so they take more time to complete.

When you level up, not only your area limits increase, but also limits such as robots, pistons, villagers or animals can be added. What limits will increase after raising the current level is written above the missions of that level.

Top Player Boards

Currently, 7 categories rank the best players:

  1. Most Played – the amount of time you have played during that week. AFK time is not counted.
  2. Most Invited – the number of new players (with legal/premium Minecraft accounts) you have invited during that week. More information about invitations can be found in the corresponding article.
  3. Killers – the number of players you have killed during that week.
  4. Best Reputation – the number of reputation points you have received /rep during that week.
  5. Most Voted – the number of votes you have received through /vote during that week.
  6. Donators – the number of times you have supported the project by purchasing services during that week. A part of the money you have paid is added.
  7. Best Parkour – the number of points you have collected by jumping in parkour during that week. The number of points currently in the player's account is displayed. If the player buys something from the parkour store, these points are reduced.


We currently have 4 shafts in the Skyblock server mine:

  1. Regular
  2. Nether
  3. Lord
  4. Ruby

All of these mines are small, but as a new player, they are great for getting resources.

Each shaft refreshes when the time specified at the entrance ends or when all the blocks in it are mined.

What is the size of each mine and what can be found in them:

Regular shaft

All players can enter.

Refreshes every 30 minutes or when all the blocks are mined.

The size is 15x19x9 (2,565 blocks).

What is the probability that a certain block will be generated:

  1. Stone – 99.49%
  2. Calcite – 0.14%
  3. Coal ore – 0.10%
  4. Copper ore – 0.08%
  5. Deepslate – 0.08%
  6. Iron ore – 0.08%
  7. Gold ore – 0.04%
  8. Redstone ore – 0.04%

Nether shaft

All players can enter.

Refreshes every 2 hours and 10 minutes (130 min) or when all blocks are mined.

The size is 26x27x16 (11,232 blocks).

What is the probability of generating a certain block:

  1. Stone – 97.45%
  2. Netherrack – 1.15%
  3. Basalt – 0.32%
  4. Magma block – 0.31%
  5. Blackstone – 0.20%
  6. Warped nylium – 0.18%
  7. Nether quartz ore – 0.15%
  8. Crimson nylium – 0.13%
  9. Crying obsidian – 0.05%
  10. Ancient debris – 0.03%
  11. Nether gold ore – 0.02%

Lord shaft

Only players with Lord or higher service can enter.

Refreshes every 40 minutes or when all blocks are mined.

The size is 12x28x14 (makes 5,096 blocks).

What is the probability of generating a certain block:

  1. Stone – 98.74%
  2. Calcite – 0.27%
  3. Deepslate – 0.24%
  4. Coal ore – 0.23%
  5. Copper ore – 0.23%
  6. Gold ore – 0.13%
  7. Iron ore – 0.11%
  8. Lapis ore – 0.06%

Ruby shaft

Only players with Ruby or higher service can enter.

Refreshes every 50 minutes or when all blocks are mined.

The size is 19x27x15 (makes 7,695 blocks).

What is the probability that a certain block will be generated:

  1. Stone – 98.74%
  2. Coal ore – 0.23%
  3. Deepslate – 0.23%
  4. Copper ore – 0.21%
  5. Calcite – 0.16%
  6. Iron ore – 0.16%
  7. Gold ore – 0.12%
  8. Redstone ore – 0.08%
  9. Lapis ore – 0.06%
  10. Diamond ore – 0.01%

Personal farms

Everyone has long known that each player can build their farm and grow some plants or kill various mobs on it. But what if you want to invite other players from the server to your island farm?

The /farms command comes to the rescue here. When opened, you can see all the farms that are currently active and available to players. To teleport to one of these farms, click on the desired farm button and click the arrow icon.

To add your farm to this list, there are several steps you need to take:

  1. Create a zone in the place where your farm is located. How to make a zone is written in the Wikipedia article about zones.
  2. Install and set certain zone settings, as written in /farms -> "Farm rules".
  3. When everything is done, you write /farms and click "Add your farm".
  4. You wait for one of the administrators to log in and approve your farm (or reject it if it doesn't meet the rules).

If you have to wait a long time and no administrator appears, ask for help on the Kaimux Discord channel.

Once the administrator approves your farm, it will be listed in /farms for a week.

After the time is up if you still want to leave the farm for public use, buy a pass again and wait for the administrator again.

Personal shops

As with farms, you can create shops on your island. A shop is created as follows:

  1. You place a chest.
  2. You place a sign on the chest.
  3. In the first line of the sign, you write [buy] if you want other players to buy from you, or [sell] if you want other players to sell you goods.
  4. While holding the item you want to sell, right-click on that sign. This will display the name of your item on the sign.
  5. You will be asked to enter a price in the chat window. You need to write in this format: <unit price>/<quantity>. For example, 100/1, which means that 1 item costs 100 Zetas.
  6. You add those items to the chest behind the sign.

If you want to sell other items with that sign:

  1. You right-click on the same already occupied sign while holding a new item. This will change the name of the item on the sign.
  2. Again, you are asked to enter the quantity and price in the chat window.
  3. You add new items to the chest behind the sign.

Although personal stores are a convenient way to sell your items, there is also a downside. Taxes. There is a 15% tax on both buying and selling items. How does this work?

Suppose you want to sell some item for 1000 Zetas (you wrote this price on the sign). This means that the player will pay 1000 Zetas for the item, and you will receive 850 Zetas for it.

Similarly with purchased items. Let's say you want to buy some items for 500 Zetas per unit. This means that the player, when selling you their item, will receive 425 Zetas for it, and you will pay all 500 Zetas.


If you want to sell your items but do not want to pay taxes, one of the alternatives is the marketplace.

There is a functioning marketplace in the world of the Skyblock server, which consists of 20 marketplaces.

To sell your items there, you need to rent one of these marketplaces. You can rent it for a week. Prices range from 5,000 to 6,000 Zetas.

The marketplace works similarly to the personal stores of players on their islands.

Only here, chests with signs are already placed and there is no possibility of placing more of them.

Adding a new item:

  1. You add the items you want to sell to the chest.
  2. While holding the item you want to sell, right-click on the icon.
  3. In the chat window, enter the price and quantity of the item <unit price>/<quantity>. For example, 500/5 would mean that you are selling 5 items for 500 Zetas (you get 100 Zetas for 1 item).

And if you want to replace the item with another:

  1. You replace the items in the chest.
  2. While holding the item you want in your hand, right-click on the same icon and the item name will change.
  3. You will be asked to enter the price and quantity in the chat window again.

PvP Arenas

If you like to fight other players, there are several ways to do it:

  1. Fight on your island.
  2. Fight in Spawn arenas.

Fighting on your island

To fight, all you need to do is turn on the PvP setting on your island or island zone. Of course, you can build something similar to an arena, but this is not necessary.

Fighting in Spawn World Arenas

By requesting the /island command and clicking on the “PvP Arenas” button, you will be teleported to the arenas. There you will find:

  1. 1 large main arena
  2. 1 large 1v1 arena
  3. 2 small 1v1 arenas
  4. 1 large 2v2 arena

1v1 and 2v2 arenas are special in that the players fighting each other in them can choose the settings for what is allowed during that fight. As an example, you can set it to allow a maximum of 10 golden apples and a maximum of 2 enchanted golden apples.

List of all settings:

  1. Golden apples - the maximum allowed amount.
  2. Enchanted golden apples - the maximum allowed amount.
  3. Should items be left in inventory after death? - true/false (yes/no).
  4. Drink milk - true/false (yes/no).
  5. Drop XP vials - true/false (yes/no).
  6. Can heal other players - true/false (yes/no).
  7. Spike damage - true/false (yes/no).
  8. Drink speed elixir - true/false (yes/no).
  9. Drink strength elixir - true/false (yes/no).
  10. Drink jump elixir - true/false (yes/no).
  11. Drink weakness elixir - true/false (yes/no).
  12. Drink fire resistance elixir - true/false (yes/no).
  13. Drink damage elixir - true/false (yes/no).
  14. Drink invisibility potion – true/false (yes/no).
  15. Drink healing potion – true/false (yes/no).
  16. Throw speed potion – true/false (yes/no).
  17. Throw strength potion – true/false (yes/no).
  18. Throw jumping potion – true/false (yes/no).
  19. Throw weakness potion – true/false (yes/no).
  20. Throw fire resistance potion – true/false (yes/no).
  21. Throw damage potion – true/false (yes/no).
  22. Throw invisibility potion – true/false (yes/no).
  23. Throw slow fall potion – true/false (yes/no).
  24. Jump arrows – true/false (yes/no).
  25. Weakness arrows – true/false (yes/no).
  26. Slow falling arrows – true/false (yes/no).
  27. Wounding arrows – true/false (yes/no).


If you want to fight in teams, with friends, you can create your clan. Currently, the main goal for creating a clan is to fight between clans.

All information about clans and clan wars is on the corresponding Wikipedia page.


To earn money, players on the Skyblock server build stone generators, various plant farms, or hostile animal farms.

Stone generators

You can build a generator depending on whether you dig the stone by hand or leave it to a robot. There are various designs of what such generators could look like, designed to dig yourself. Here are some examples of how to build one:


And if you want to build a generator for a robot, visit the Wikipedia page dedicated to robots.

Plant farms

Currently, the most popular farm on the Skyblock server is cocoa beans. However, players like to introduce different farms on their islands and use them interchangeably or simply automate them all.

More information about farms can be found on the corresponding Wikipedia page.

Various mobs (XP) farms

On this server, you have the option to choose whether to invest in spawners for specific mobs or build a farm where animals appear according to the usual Minecraft mechanics.

More information about this can be found on the Wikipedia page about farms.