KAIMUX Wikipedia
Personal areas on the Survival server
On this server, you can create your own residence with the /claim command.
All residence commands and what they do:
- /claim create <name> - manually creates a residence for you. Before running this command, you must mark the opposite corners of the area you want with a stick. The largest area you can have initially is 50x50. The height will always be automatically set to the entire height of the Survival world up to Space (from -64 to +500).
- /claim auto <name> - automatically creates a residence for you around the place you are standing. The size of the area will be the largest possible for you. Initially, as with the /claim create command, you can use 50x50, but you can increase it with /claim upgrade. The height will always be set to the entire height of the Survival world up to Space (from -64 to +500).
- /claim home - shows what residences and zones you have and you can teleport to each of them. Also, a different color indicates which residences you have been added to.
- /claim give <username> <name> [confirm] – gives a residence to another player, specifying their username and the name of the residence. The transfer of a residence must be confirmed with confirm. A residence can only be transferred if that player has the right to have “one more” area. For example, if a player does not have a service, he can only create one residence and will only allow it to be transferred if he does not have any yet. Or, if a player has some service, he can have a maximum of 3. If he has 2, the area will be allowed to be transferred to him. And if he already has all 3, then he will not be allowed.
- /claim rename <new name> - changes the name of the residence.
- /claim list <username> - shows which residences the specified player has.
- /claim remove <name> - removes the specified residence.
- /claim show – turns on/off the display of residences and zones boundaries. When you reach the area boundary, a particle wall is visible.
- /claim upgrade [confirm] – increases the residence area by 1 block in all directions. Increasing the area costs from 5,200ζ to 10,000ζ.
- /claim tp <name> - teleports to the specified residence.
- /claim sethome – sets the player's location to the teleportation location of the residence the player is in.
- /claim info – information about the residence the player is in.
- /claim friends – shows what friends have been added to the residence and allows you to change it.
- /claim enemies – shows what enemies have been added to the residence and allows you to change it.
- /claim flags <name> - changes the settings of the specified residence.
- /claim sub <command> - commands for setting zones of the residence the player is in.
You can learn more about zones in this article.
Residence area increase
You can increase the residence area by entering the command /claim upgrade [confirm]. Each increase costs the specified amount of currency. The size to which the area can be increased varies depending on the service the player currently has:
- Regular players can increase up to 70x70;
- Players with the Ultra service up to 80x80;
- Players with the Platinum service up to 90x90;
- Players with the Master service up to 100x100;
Note - The size of the newly created residence increases, not the existing one!
This means that after increasing the residence area with the command, the existing residence should be removed with /claim remove and then created again with the /claim create or /claim auto commands.
All possible flags for the residence
- Place blocks
- Demolish blocks
- Knock other players down
- Hopper action
- Movement in the area
- Teleportation to an area/island
- Use Ender Pearl
- Use Chorus Fruit
- Kill Animals
- Water movement
- Open chests etc.
- Pistons action
- Use of bucket
- Changing the badge
- Use of buttons, etc.
- Dragging animals
- Item Frame demolition
- Item Frame placement
- Using Item Frame
- Demolition of picture
- Picture placement
- Demolition of Armor Stand
- Placing Armor Stand
- Use of Armor Stand
- Selling Trident
- Changing cage type
- Adjust area settings
- Adjust area mates
- Adjust area enemies
- Adjust area sub-plots
- Adjust sub-plot settings
- Adjust sub-plot friends
- Adjust sub-plot enemies
- Ability to place boats
- Ability to add minecart
- Harm to the villagers
Residences cannot be created:
- Less than 100 blocks from any clan city.
- Less than 300 blocks from any Stronghold structure.
We also do not recommend creating residences right next to another player's residences to avoid conflicts. Of course, if that player allows it, then you can.